Design people-centric well-being initiatives and

build Connected Communities within


Why focus on Identity and Community?

Knowing WHO is a part of your organisation, acknowledging each strength and weakness - allows you to genuinely work together and collaborate effectively.

By building your workplace identity around connected communities, you are fostering an empowered work environment built upon shared connection, understanding, tenacity and strength in numbers!

Growth Mindset strengthens Well-being

Growth mindset is a theory (Dweck, 2015) used to describe a way of learning. In a growth mindset, “people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work - brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishments.”

When individuals or groups have built well-being resilience, they are empowered to thrive. They believe change is possible, they become less stressed in times of hardship, and they gain a new perspective and sense of ownership of their mindset and outputs.

This way of thinking naturally fosters a more structured and goal-focused attitude, while developing and recognising your individual and collective resilience and grit.

But WHY is this important for your organisation?

He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata.
It Is Our People, Our People, Our People.

Whatever we do, people are always at the centre.

Design your workplace identity around understanding how your people communicate and collaborate. By doing this, you build a place of work with engaged staff and proactive attitudes.

Incorporating the Connected Communities well-being initiative builds a platform of understanding and connection. Creating a purposeful link for your organisation to implement other well-being initiatives.

Let’s work together by understand each other first, and create a community that thrives together.

What’s next?


This is a revolutionary well-being approach that promises to unite staff and their whānau by supporting well-being through community, identity and connection!

Trial this approach on a contract basis and gain an empowered, connected community; at the end of the contract you will receive a personalised report proposing well-being initiatives tailored to your staff and organisation. LET’S TALK!