

Identifying your Workplace Identity

Mission statements are meant to define the direction of your organisation while empowering your people to unite – but they are often forgotten and just become words.

It’s time to genuinely define your workplace identity by understanding WHO is in your work force!

Utilize your staff’s strengths and collaborate effectively together - reach new heights!

A workplace identity report includes:

o   An overview of the current culture, communication approaches and dynamics

This report addresses what changes may need to be made for well-being purposes (packages will be listed below; can be assessed as an organisation or in teams, specific groups or problem areas for the organisation)

o    Workplace Identity Statement

o    Well-being initiatives tailored to your organisation, focusing on growth mind set and resilience

o     A ‘how-to’ guide to implement initiatives above


o    Outline ‘Company Best fit’ attributes to look for when recruiting

o    Questions to ask in interviews to probe for these attributes

Connected Community

o    Insights from the whānau

If ‘connected communities’ are established this will go in more detail in the ‘Connected Communities’ report below

Please note that prices for both services will be updated shortly


Connected Communities

Establish ‘Connected Communities’ – bring your staff’s whānau into the fold to support well-being for all.

The ‘Connected Communities’ initiative, establishes small communities based within a geographical area (or teams within organisations) and creates a platform of transparency, trust and openness to talk and share about well-being within that community.

Once these communities are established, tailored well-being initiatives will be implemented to meet the specific needs of this community.

The ‘Connected Communities’ report outlines insights and findings of this group. Allowing the organisation to truly understanding their people – pain points, warts and all. Knowing this allows for realistic growth, company-wide engagement and a platform to provide genuine well-being support.

Achieved by:

o    Assessing the dynamics of team/members of group and meet whānau involved

o    Host neighbour events/info sessions for whānau

o    Get the member’s (or employees/volunteers) whānau more connected with zoom catch ups, after school/weekend activities

o    Then establish networking/collaborating sessions for members (or employees/volunteers), facilitate sessions with mental health professionals and ambassadors to encourage talking and create a safe environment for sharing 

o    Establish social media groups (whatsapp, email, facebook, phone trees etc) and one involving the local territory manager so they can share information and future well-being news/initiatives/Head office news to the community

The report includes:

o    Insights from whānau

o    Overview of communities dynamics

o    Initiatives to support well-being

o    A ‘how – to’ guide to implement these throughout other areas of the organisation

o    A suggested call cycle for the territory managers to maintain